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Here is access to your COMPLETE social media Easter #ShelterInHOPE Package… PLUS, complete promo training!

This page is best access via desktop or laptop computer. Please bookmark this page. We will be adding new content often to keep you fully resourced through Resurrection Sunday and beyond!


Download the Social Media Pack (zip file) When you post online, use the hashtag, #ShelterInHOPE !

Please Watch: Overview of the Graphics Pack.

How To Create A “Custom Audience” of Online Facebook Church Service Attendees To Target With Ads

How To Create An Ad Campaign To That Audience

#ShelterInHOPE: The Big Idea

The big idea we are suggesting with this theme is that we begin being the “primary shippers of hope” in our communities across Georgia. Big needs are on the horizon. Will the Church be ready to meet those needs?

(Video Coming Saturday, April 4)

In order to help you with ideas to bless your community as well as lots of other Easter ideas for your services, for Holy Week and promotion, we are sharing a valuable resource.  Easter Ideas During Cononavirus is a crowdsourced Google doc that is constantly being updated.  Please note the section on Blessing Your Community. We were especially impressed with Boxed of Hope initiative happening across the country. There is a full training on it here.

MORE Great ideas here.  

Easter Sunday Do’s and Dont’s!

Failsafes & Backup Plans for Online Streaming

Easter Sunday Guest Follow Up

  • Use a system like Text In Church that will allow you to 1) automate parts of your follow-up process and 2) let people text keywords to get started. See our webinar with Tyler, CEO of Text In Church. (60-day FREE PRO Account to get you started.)
  • Consider doing a virtual welcome party via Zoom for people who are new to the church, and a virtual hangout for people who want to ask questions about the message.

Shut In’s That Don’t Have Online Access? What if They Could DIAL In and Listen? Check This Out…

PhoneLiveStreaming.com  and Zoiper.com

Sermon Outline

Download: Levi Skipper’s Sermon Outline Done-For-You


Three pastor devotion outlines that leaders can use weekdays or Sundays following Easter to not only maintain but increase engagement with your online Easter audience.  With these clear and biblical outlines, you can explore the following themes:


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